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обзор автомобиля Lada Vesta / Лада Веста

Концепт Lada Vesta получил эффектный дизайн, выделяющийся на фоне последних ВАЗовских моделей. Спереди седан привлекает X-образным оформлением с изящной светодиодной оптикой, а также мощными штампами на капоте. В профиль концепт-кар смотрится компактно и гармонично,...

100 Push-ups

Whether it's career burnout, general aimlessness or a craving for a new path, most people will hear a call for a positive life change at some point in their lives. This isn't about the National...

Post Surgery

Whether it's career burnout, general aimlessness or a craving for a new path, most people will hear a call for a positive life change at some point in their lives. This isn't about the National...

Answering My Fostering Questions

Whether it's career burnout, general aimlessness or a craving for a new path, most people will hear a call for a positive life change at some point in their lives. This isn't about the National...