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What is RSS?

      RSS is a streamline format for sending and receiving text across a wide variety of platforms across intranets, and the internet. The abreviations "RSS" stand for "Really Simple Syndication". There are 7 versions of RSS to date but all are very similar in the way they disperse information.

      An RSS feed can contain information such as changes to a website, chapters in a book, movie listings, or weblogs. The information feeds are limitless in that anything readable can be syndicated.

      Once an RSS feed is detected by an RSS Aggregator or reader the information in the RSS is converted into readable text. The text usually contains a title, an image, a link to the source, and a brief description. The information is then displayed or layed out however the aggregator is designed to lay it out.

      If you aren't satisfied with my explanation of RSS check out the XML website.

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